Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur [Peer-reviewed journal]

The concept of «Collaborative Convergence» refers to the strategic integration of diverse disciplinary perspectives to create innovative solutions. Focusing on shared goals and leveraging varied expertise facilitates effective communication and drives progress in complex research and development initiatives. The paper by Cristo Leon and Dr. James Lipuma highlights the importance of language and structured communication processes in achieving successful trans-disciplinary collaboration.
First page of a journal article titled "Collaborative convergence: finding the language for trans-disciplinary communication to occur" in the Brazilian Journal of Business. It includes titles in three languages, author names and affiliations, and sections for abstract, keywords, and resume.

Exciting Announcement: Publication in the Brazilian Journal of Business

I am thrilled to share our latest publication in the esteemed Brazilian Journal of Business. The paper, «Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur,» is a collaboration with Dr. James Lipuma. It’s an honor to be a part of this paper (Leon & Lipuma, 2024).

Paper Abstract:

The proper study of communication from existing models opens the doors to scientific research that allows exploring language and coding as an integral part of effective communication to generate new models that include Trans-Disciplinary Collaboration. The authors analyze the communication factors to describe the application of Trans-Disciplinary Communication.

This paper aims to define communication processes and their relationship with language, considering their impact on trans-disciplinary collaboration and innovation.

After conducting a systematic literature review, the article explored the concepts of communication, functions, language, and Trans-Disciplinary Communication. This led to its application in the convergence research approach presented in the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid.


Scenario, Collaboration, Communication, Trans-Disciplinary Communication (TDC), Idiolect, Factors, Convergence, SDG4 education.

Conferences presented at:

  • 26th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (León & Lipuma, 2022a)
  • EISTA 2022 Synchronous Presentations (León & Lipuma, 2022b)

Read Our Paper

You can access our paper in the Brazilian Journal of Business, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 1-5, 2024. Read here


We want to acknowledge the support and ongoing collaboration from our strategic partners necessary to flourish the ideas presented.

Disclosure statement
No conflict of interest pertains to the research presented above.

Cristo Leon

James Lipuma


All rights reserved 2023 Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora Ltda


León, C., & Lipuma, J. (2022a). Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur [Invited Paper]. WMSCI 2022, 1, 147–150. /Research/Collaboration & Convergence.

León, C., & Lipuma, J. (2022b, June 20). Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur (Plenary Keynote Address) [Zoom]. EISTA 2022 Synchronous Presentations, Orlando, Florida, United States.

Leon, C., & Lipuma, J. (2024). Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur [BJB]. Brazilian Journal of Business, 6(2), 1–5. /Research/Collaboration & Convergence.