¿Qué es una hipótesis? Una exploración detallada

Este artículo proporciona una guía detallada para formular hipótesis en el ámbito académico, abarcando desde Licenciatura hasta Doctorado. Se presentan ejemplos específicos para hipótesis descriptivas, correlacionales, causales y nulas, facilitando la comprensión de cómo estructurar y aplicar estas hipótesis en diversos contextos de investigación. Ideal para estudiantes y académicos que buscan profundizar su conocimiento en la metodología de la investigación científica.

Unlocking Multi-Sector Collaboration: A Guide to the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid

Discover the transformative power of the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid (CCP), a dynamic framework designed to streamline communication and collaboration across multiple sectors. Rooted in multidisciplinary approaches, the CCP offers invaluable insights for academics, policy-makers, and practitioners, especially in STEM fields. Learn how it addresses linguistic barriers, functional roles, and more, all while reducing uncertainty and leading toward sustainable solutions.

Dr Jasmin Cowin to present at the 23rd European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication research network conference

In an era marked by rapid advancements in algorithmic technologies, the forthcoming EUCO 2023 conference will feature a seminal paper titled ‘The (Algorithmic) Cage,’ authored by Dr. Jasmin Cowin, Dr. Birgit J. Oberer, and Cristo Leon, Ph.D. candidate. This interdisciplinary research critically explores the dual role of Artificial Intelligence in shaping digital communication, addressing its socio-economic implications. From job displacement to language digitization, the paper delves into many concerns, including the digital divide, privacy, and security. By bridging disciplines such as TESOL, business administration, and interdisciplinary research, the study serves as a vital discourse in understanding the complexities and ethical considerations in a digitally transforming world.
A vibrant collage showcasing the transformation of cinema through digital technology, including scenes of film production with digital cameras and editing software, digital distribution networks, advanced visual effects, and immersive viewer experiences with virtual reality headsets.

Systematic Literature Review: The Impact of Digital Technology on Cinema

The advent of digital technology has brought profound changes to the cinematic landscape, revolutionizing film production, distribution, visual effects, and the overall viewer experience. This blog post explores how digital tools have democratized filmmaking, making high-quality production accessible to non-professionals and expanding artistic possibilities. It also examines the impact of streaming platforms on film distribution, the advancements in CGI and other visual effects, and the enhanced immersion brought by virtual reality. By synthesizing current research, this post provides a comprehensive understanding of digital technology’s transformative effect on the cinema industry.
Illustration showing the evolution of cinema, with classic film elements like a film reel and vintage camera on one side, transitioning to modern digital elements like high-resolution cameras, LED walls, and virtual reality headsets on the other side.

Cinematic Transformation: Embracing the Digital Evolution

Digital technology has revolutionized cinema, leading to a profound Cinematic Transformation in aesthetics, narrative capabilities, and production techniques. From high-resolution cameras and advanced visual effects to virtual production and motion capture, filmmakers now have unprecedented creative freedom. This evolution has not only blurred the lines between reality and fantasy but also introduced new storytelling possibilities, fundamentally reshaping the cinematic landscape. Explore how these advancements are paving the way for a dynamic, immersive, and innovative future in cinema.

Article «Researching Communities of Practice when transitioning In-service Educator Training to Blended Learning»

El Departamento de Educación de Nueva Jersey buscó desarrollar una comunidad de aprendizaje profesional en línea para 150,000 educadores en casi 600 distritos escolares. Los autores presentan un análisis posterior al proyecto del proyecto desarrollado en apoyo de situaciones de aprendizaje presencial, semipresencial y completamente en línea

Presentación del projecto «Ontología de los juegos de rol»

Los juegos de rol (JdR) constituyen un tema de investigación novedoso y fértil por contener aspectos pertinentes a varias disciplinas. Pese a que la pregunta ¿Qué es el juego de rol? parece simple y es obligada para su investigación, responderla enfrenta intentos de definición ad hoc producto tanto de necesidades disciplinares