Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools [Peer-reviewed journal]

This groundbreaking study explores the efficacy of student self-assessment in General Education Requirements (GER), leveraging survey tools to assess and enhance educational outcomes within STEM disciplines. By connecting accreditation standards to institutional effectiveness, the research offers innovative insights into the roles of self-awareness and self-assessment in fostering educational growth. Integrating AAC&U VALUE Rubrics into the survey methodology confirmed this approach’s feasibility and highlighted potential pathways for applying these findings on a broader scale to improve GER outcomes.
Cover image for the International Journal of Human Sciences Research, featuring a layered silhouette of a human profile.

Exciting Announcement: Publication in the International Journal of Human Sciences Research

I am thrilled to share our latest publication in the esteemed International Journal of Human Sciences Research. The paper, titled «Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools,» represents a collaborative effort alongside distinguished colleagues Dr. James Lipuma, Yi Meng, Ph.D. (candidate), and Jeremy Reich, B.A., M.A.T., Ph.D. (candidate). This publication is a significant milestone in our continuous exploration of educational methodologies and outcomes, particularly within STEM education (Yáñez León et al., 2024).

Paper Abstract:

This exploratory study at a STEM university supports the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) accreditation review, linking accreditation standards with institutional effectiveness in General Education Requirements (GER). It examined student self-awareness and self-assessment of GER outcomes, assessing the viability of using existing tools for out-of-course pre-and post-tests. A survey tailored to AAC&U VALUE Rubrics on a 5-point Likert scale facilitated this innovative approach. The Spring 2023 pilot verified its feasibility, revealing student awareness insights. The research promoted connections across educational domains and will explore response rates, student growth, and widescale applications to enhance GER outcomes.

This model’s integration fosters a dialogical space between student self-reflection and instructor assessments, intertwining GER coursework with student skills and knowledge and clarifying congruence between course content, effort, and learning outcomes.

Keywords—STEM Education, Course evaluation surveys, Pre/Posttests, GER program outcomes, MSCHE accreditation, Student self-assessment, Feasibility study, Kirkpatrick’s Model, Higher education assessment, AAC&U VALUE Rubrics.

Presented at Academia Journals Tláhuac 2023:

Presentation: Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Tláhuac 2023, (Yáñez León et al., 2023a).

eBook: Trabajo de Investigación del Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Tláhuac 2023: Tecnología, Desarrollo e Industria 4.0. (Yáñez León et al., 2023b).

Read Our Paper

You can access our paper in the International Journal of Human Sciences Research, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1-10, 2024. Read here


Special thanks to the blind reviewers, whomever you may be, for your notes and observations that improved the final version.
Disclosure statement
You can see our Disclosure of Support
Statement (DSS) at: https://osf.io/fwnu6
Cristo Leon (1st author): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0930-0179
James Lipuma: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9778-3843
Yi Meng: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-5246-228X
Jeremy P. Reich: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-6677-1898


All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CCBY-NC-ND 4.0).


Anuncio emocionante: Publicación en la International Journal of Human Sciences Research

Estoy emocionado de compartir nuestra última publicación en la estimada International Journal of Human Sciences Research. El artículo, titulado «Explorando la Autoevaluación Estudiantil en la Educación General: Un Estudio Piloto Utilizando Herramientas de Encuestas,» representa un esfuerzo colaborativo junto a distinguidos colegas, el Dr. James Lipuma, Yi Meng, Ph.D. (candidato), y Jeremy Reich, B.A., M.A.T., Ph.D. (candidato). Esta publicación marca un hito significativo en nuestra continua exploración de metodologías y resultados educativos, especialmente dentro de la educación STEM (Yáñez León et al., 2024).

Resumen del Artículo:

Este estudio exploratorio en una universidad STEM apoya la revisión de acreditación de la Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), vinculando los estándares de acreditación con la efectividad institucional en los Requisitos de Educación General (GER). Examinó la autoconciencia y la autoevaluación estudiantil de los resultados de GER, evaluando la viabilidad de utilizar herramientas existentes para pruebas pre y post fuera del curso. Una encuesta adaptada a las Rúbricas VALUE de AAC&U en una escala Likert de 5 puntos facilitó este enfoque innovador. El piloto de primavera de 2023 verificó su factibilidad, revelando percepciones sobre la conciencia estudiantil. La investigación promovió conexiones a través de dominios educativos y explorará tasas de respuesta, crecimiento estudiantil y aplicaciones a gran escala para mejorar los resultados de GER.

La integración de este modelo fomenta un espacio dialógico entre la auto-reflexión estudiantil y las evaluaciones del instructor, entrelazando el curso de GER con las habilidades y conocimientos estudiantiles y aclarando la congruencia entre el contenido del curso, el esfuerzo y los resultados de aprendizaje.

Palabras clave—Educación STEM, encuestas de evaluación de cursos, pruebas pre/post, resultados del programa GER, acreditación MSCHE, autoevaluación estudiantil, estudio de factibilidad, Modelo de Kirkpatrick, evaluación en educación superior, Rúbricas VALUE de AAC&U.


Yáñez León, C. E., Lipuma, J., Meng, Y., & Reich, J. (2023a). Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools [Conference article]. Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Tláhuac 2023, 15(7), 125–132. /Research/Education.

Yáñez León, C. E., Lipuma, J., Meng, Y., & Reich, J. (2023b). Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools [eBook]. In Las Ciencias de la Educación y los Adelantos en Tecnología, Desarrollo e Industria 4.0—Tláhuac 2023 [eBook] (CLDM_Ds; 1st ed., Vol. 15, pp. 125–132). Academia Journals; /Research/Education. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55564587e4b0d1d3fb1eda6b/t/6513000b9e6bd55442c339f7/1695744018615/Las+Ciencias+de+la+Educación+y+los+Adelantos+en+Tecnología%2C+Desarrollo+e+Industria+4.0+-+Tláhuac+2023+-+Academia+Journals.pdf

Yáñez León, C. E., Lipuma, J., Meng, Y., & Reich, J. (2024). Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools [IJHSR]. International Journal of Human Sciences Research, 4(9), 1–10. /Research/Education. https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.558492413036