Researching Communities of Practice When Transitioning In-Service Educator Training to Blended Learning, CIIE23 [Artículo en conferencia]

This research paper delves into the transformation of in-service educator training by creating an «Online Professional Learning Exchange.» This initiative, designed to support blended and fully online learning scenarios, integrates video, written materials, polls, and discussions, fostering robust Communities of Practice. It represents a significant shift from traditional expert-led training to a more collaborative and flexible learning environment, enhancing educators’ ability to engage and instruct effectively.

Exciting Announcement: Publication in the CIIE International Conference on Educational Innovation

I am thrilled to share our latest publication in the CIIE International Conference on Educational Innovation. The paper, titled «Researching Communities of Practice when Transitioning In-service Educator Training to Blended Learning,» is a collaborative effort with distinguished colleagues James Lipuma and Saikat Pal. It’s an honor to be a part of this paper (Yáñez León et al., 2023b).

Paper Abstract:

The New Jersey Department of Education sought to develop an online professional learning community for 150,000 educators in nearly 600 school districts. The authors present a post-project analysis of the project developed in support of Face-to-Face, Blended, and fully online learning situations. This project created an “Online Professional Learning Exchange” with blended online learning modules and was funded with over two million dollars. The greatest strength of the OPLE tool is to aid the state of NJ to shift their training from expert delivery of knowledge in a face-to-face format towards the Community of Practice. The paper presents a Systematic Review of the Literature, an analysis of Professional Learning and Training Methods, and a description of the Methods to create Blended Learning Modules focused on video, written materials, polls, and discussions. Through this integrated approach, the OPLE allows user to master concepts that enhance their ability to provide more efficient and practical instruction to their students. Finally, the paper concludes with the results and implications in light of the current world developments and their impact on education.

Presented at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Institute for the Future of Education:

  • IFE Conference Talks (Yáñez León et al., 2023c)
  • Memorias 2023, Noveno Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa (Yáñez León et al., 2023a)

Read Our Paper

You can access our paper in the Memorias 2023, Noveno Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa, pp. 479-484, 2023. 


We acknowledge the support of the New Jersey Department of Education.
Disclosure statement
No conflict of interest pertains to the research presented above.
Cristo Leon
James Lipuma
Saikat Pal


© All rights reserved


Yáñez León, C. E., Lipuma, J. M., & Pal, S. (2023a). Researching Communities of Practice when Transitioning In-service Educator Training to Blended Learning (CIIE) [Artículo en conferencia]. Memorias 2023, Noveno Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa, 479–484. /Research/Education.

Yáñez León, C. E., Lipuma, J. M., & Pal, S. (2023c, June 29). Researching Communities of Practice when Transitioning In-service Educator Training to Blended Learning (IFE) [Video conferencia] [Facebook live]. IFE Conference Talks, Monterrey, NL, México.